Tuesday, 18 March 2008


Pipany said...

Yes and I can't wait to meet up. Great to see you back though you sound so like me - too much to do and procrastinating more and more until it is almost too late!! I know it well. Lovely blog though SM xx

toady said...

Good to see you back. Where abouts in Cornwall are you going? I assume you're meeting Pip, she's lovely.

Milla said...

Great to see you back SM! Have never understood people who like autumn, it's the doorway to winter which I have loathed for ever although, as you say, at least the first half is busy (or it is with young children). I'll say it again, great to see you back! xx

Zoë said...

Great to see you back, and agree whole heartedly, there is nothing quite like being Mistress of your own Destiny. The risks are often totally outweighed by the benefits in my experience, and when you are established, and working regularly, the sheer pleasure of saying no to a job on principle is quite dizzying! I wish you lots more success. xx

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Things are looking up indeed - it is lovely to have you back and blogging - you really do write so berludy well. I think once you commit to not blogging there is almost a relief as to read and comment and blog is pretty full on . . .but you do miss it too.

You mean you don't like winter in the country . . .berlimey. I hated wet pavements although I can understand the other things.

I think the only way to survive work is to be self employed . . .

Have a wonderful break and hope to see you when you get back.

Frances said...

Welcome back!

All that you wrote is so true. Having many interests and many responsibilities and needing those hours to stare into space ... really do eat into each 24 hour period.

I also very much liked your thoughts about how our view of ourselves can change many times during our lives.

Maybe you can just slip us another blog for April?

Norma Murray said...

Glad you're back SM and wonderful that you can make a living writing. I love your description of the green man...wow!


It's lovely to see you back, Suffolkmum, and read your lovely thoughtful eloquent prose again. I seem to work in the same manner as you (procrastination until the 11th hour and frantic, looming deadlines - I should be working, but I'm allowing myself three blogs a day. Ok - sometimes four. Or five...)

Sorry to hear about your mother - hope all is well now, or getting that way.

Have a lovely time in Cornwall.

LBD xx

Chris Stovell said...

Good to have you back.

Elizabethd said...

Lovely to read you again.
Enjoy Cornwall, and meeting Pipany too, she is lovely!

Elizabethd said...

Lovely to read you again.
Enjoy Cornwall, and meeting Pipany too, she is lovely!

Tattieweasle said...

Ha ha stride forth green man and wake our sleeping beauty - I've missed you and your wonderful writing but deeply sympathise with the working from home dilemma - I promise it gets easier particularly in the summer!

Faith said...

Always a pleasure to read what you've written SM. The green man seems almost scary when you write him! I hate winter - and this March is really dragging on. Have a lovely trip to Cornwall. You deserve it. x

Cait O'Connor said...

Oh it's good to have you back blogging. I'm glad your work is going well, it must be lovely to be self-employed.
Enjoy your time in Cornwall.

mountainear said...

...and please may we have more of the same? All most beautifully and elegantly put.

bodran... said...

That was great and we have missed you...Roll on some warm weather and sunshine after last years abysmal weather it feels like its been Winter for a year xx

Kitty said...

Spring returns, and so do you, much to our delight. Keep writing, SM, for yourself (and she says, selfishly, for us too!). Have a lovely time in Cornwall, and give lovely Pipany an enormous hug from me (I am so sad she lives so far away) you'll get on like a house on fire!

Pondside said...

So good to have you back! Have a lovely visit with Pipany, and hang in there - it might not get a whole lot better, but it will get easier with better weather.

Ska, not a good mother but working on it said...

welcome back. i've missed you! and how i agree, as always, with you

Stay at home dad said...

I know what you mean! Everyone seems to be getting jobs...

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

I looked in on the off chance and yes! you are blogging again! so good to have you back. Hope the Cornwall week is fab.
I'm another fellow procrastinator, followed by madly rushing to meet a deadline. Glad you got the work, as seemed financially a good thing, but hope you can make it bend to your will.

Elsie Button said...

Yay you are back! lovely to have you back, and read your wonderful descriptions again! I love spring too. i could have sworn i heard the cuckoo the other day but my mum just laughed and didn't believe me. she is probably right!

Sally Townsend said...

Lovely to see you back, what fun meeting up with Pipany, Muddyboots and I never stopped talking when we met....

Exmoorjane said...

YES, YES, YES!!! Hurrah that you're back. Oh, SM, I sometimes think you're my longlost twin....I read your blogs and just go, 'oh yes' and 'that's absolutely it'. I used to say I loved Autumn best too - but noooooo, Spring is King.
I'm hoping too that it will pull me from the doldrums...
Hoping you're going to blog your Cornwall trip and Pip-meet soon.

Pig in the Kitchen said...

what a lovely piece, you write so well. and how fab to have you back, sorry it's taken me so long to come over for a visit! rather jealous of your paid work, but it sounds like your working style is very similar to mine!
Happy Spring,

@themill said...

You write my mind, but so much more eloquently than I ever could...

Exmoorjane said...

Ah.....no new blog. Sob.

Carah Boden said...

Yes, I spend hours being 'busy' - it's amazing what you find to do that is so urgent when you should be settling down to work / write! And yes, never a week went by at university that I didn't have an essay crisis. Nothing changes!
Not with you on Autumn though. Love the colours and the woodsmoke and the excitement of Christmas, but in other respects it's too akin to dying. My favourite time is early summer, so full of hope and promise, everything still to come...x

Bluestocking Mum said...


Keep writing and keep connecting...your fan club are here!
